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Showing posts from February, 2022

Various Uses of Maps

A preamble to using ACBA Maps The National Geographic magazine has an excellent article by Geoff McGee (12 October 2015) - How to Make Maps and Influence People . It provides a brief over view of the approaches uses to make their maps influential. Maps may or may not be beautiful, but they are always intended to make an impact, to focus the readers’ or viewers’ attention on something important. An extract from the McGee article states:- “Mode says the historical masters of persuasive maps, though, were the British during their imperial height, when maps helped promote the size, power, and presumable invincibility of a small island nation’s global empire. They used not just maps themselves, he says, but also visual and geographical tactics to shape the viewer’s perception.” Before focussing on ACBA Maps, it is worthwhile considering how maps have developed over the millennia. Maps have always been designed to influence their readers. The mechanisms employed to guide these crea...